Do You Know Toys That Evokes Gender Roles In Your Children?

The exams are round the corner and soon the children are going to see their favorite month series of the year— summer holidays! It’s a time when many families and vacation schools in Kolkata are seen browsing the best kids toys online , that could prove to be more than just a toy. But have you mulled over that what makes a good toy for a young child ? According to studies, different toys impact children’s behavior in different ways. Some toys have a powerful influence on children’s thinking, interaction with peers, and creative expression. Other toys do not. Some of the toys that look most interesting to adults are not particularly effective in promoting development. This suggests that parents can make decisions about toys as thoughtfully as they do when making decisions about any other area of the curriculum. Once toys are selected, parents can carefully observe their impact on children’s play. Researchers have found some surpri...